Obion County Board of Education
June 3, 2013

Agenda Item: VII.

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy #4.602 – Class Ranking

Background Information:

The guidance counselors from both high schools have met and have asked that Board Policy 4.602, Class Ranking, be amended for further clarity. On page 1, line 37, the sentence should read “2 Career and Technical Education courses or 2 Dual Enrollment courses.” This change would keep the Obion County Challenge Program comparable to the Tennessee Scholars Program. On page 1, line 39, the sentence should read “Student must be eligible for first or second honor roll each nine (9) weeks.” Student grades for purposes of being named to Honor Rolls for high schools are calculated every nine (9) weeks, not every 18 weeks. Additionally, more and more emphasis is being placed on a student’s final grade because of funding for post-secondary education. The final nine (9) weeks’ grades of a student’s high school career could equate to thousands of dollars in scholarships. For this reason, the last complete sentence on page 2 should be struck, and the second sentence should read “Class rankings for all students will be determined by the cumulative long semester averages.”

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the amendment to Board Policy 4.602, Class Ranking, on second and final reading.